Get Liquidated

The below describes how to best avoid being liquidated and what happens if you are liquidated...

The GARD Protocol is designed to help users gain a moderate amount of leverage on their collateral. The protocol is not meant to be a catalyst for liquidations, however, sometimes they must occur to protect the protocol. In order to avoid liquidation users should be sure to overcollateralize their positions heavily and monitor them frequently to ensure that their CDPs remain healthy/in good standing.

The 140% minimum collateralization ratio when initially borrowing GARD is meant to help ensure that no immediate volatility will be enough to liquidate a user, however, crypto is quite volatile and this minimum rate may not be enough to protect a user over time. If a user is liquidated they will lose claim to all their collateral and their ability to participate in Algorand governance, however, they will retain any GARD they borrowed and have not spent. To avoid liquidation users should pay close attention to the health bars next to their CDPs, which includes a liquidation price:

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